I hope you are keeping well and positive.
The Medical Prime team and I were very pleased to welcome The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor of London Alderman William Russell, The Lady Mayoress Hilary Russell and Sheriff Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli to the Clinic. The high-profile visit provided an excellent opportunity for us to describe our holistic approach to treatment and wellbeing and to speak about our on-going work increasing awareness of the menopause.
Our guests asked a number of questions and were clearly interested in understanding the many challenges that you, our patients, face with respect to your wellbeing, family and work lives.
They were also pleased to hear about the strong sense of community that we enjoy with our patients and were impressed by the shared patient stories and testimonials.
Image, left to right: Joel Fanuel, Pharmacist; David Stringer-Lamarre, Strategy Director; The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor of London Alderman William Russell; The Lady Mayoress Hilary Russell; myself; Zarina McCulloch, Clinic Manager and Sheriff Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli.

As a thank you for being part of the Medical Prime family and to support our local community we are participating in the City Gift Card scheme. For those of you attending our clinic in the summer months we are offering a £5 gift card that you can use for a cup of coffee or tea, or towards something else at one of the many outlets in the City of London.
Here is the link to participating organisations: https://townandcitygiftcards.com/product/city-gift-card/ (scroll down for ‘Where to spend’). Please ask for a City Gift Card next time you are in the clinic!
Warmest wishes,
Dr Theodora Kalentzi