We are delighted to announce that Medical Prime has partnered with online pharmacy, CloudRx, as an additional option to patients fulfilling their prescriptions. The new service offers a huge amount of benefits including a wide range of prescription medicines, most importantly a good supply of HRT that has been hard to find in some pharmacies; and multiple delivery options. If you are interested in using the new service, please do let us know when you make a repeat prescription request. It’s a positive step in helping to make patients’ lives easier.
Another step in the right direction is the increased media coverage and discussion of the menopause we’ve seen this year which has helped enormously to raise the profile of International Menopause Day. We strongly believe that increased awareness and knowledge is good for all of us, women, men and organisations/companies. The Medical Prime team takes up every opportunity to speak with opinion leaders about menopause healthcare.
Several of you have also helped in the menopause discussion by sharing your stories on our Patient’s Stories page and many new and existing patients have mentioned how you have benefited greatly from reading these. Mary Tomalin, our Medical Prime Editor, is looking forward to helping others write up their stories. Do get in touch with Zarina McCulloch, our Clinic Manager, if you have a story you wish to write and she will put you in touch with Mary.
Time goes by quickly. 16 November 2021 is the 1st anniversary of being in our new clinic at 65 London Wall. Thank you all for your positive feedback about the clinic which has made our decision to move during turbulent and challenging times worth it.
Warmest wishes,
Dr Theodora Kalentzi