We hope you are enjoying your summer either in the UK or abroad, despite the weather challenges.
At Medical Prime we are committed to continuing the menopause conversation and during the last few months I was lucky enough to have had the opportunity to speak about our work in supporting women in the workplace at a number of high-profile events. One of these was a luncheon hosted by The Lady Mayoress of the City of London, Felicity Lyons (picture above).
At a similar high-profile event ‘Global Influence Club’s ‘Breaking Barriers to Trade 2023’ hosted by Baroness Sandy Verma, I raised the topic of perimenopause and menopause affecting women in business and specifically women who may decide to start their entrepreneurial journey later in life, as I did!
Earlier in the year, I attended an event organised by Bayes Global Women’s Leadership Programme, which discussed ‘Women’s Health: How fertility, menstruation, and menopause affect women’s career decisions’.
I was also honoured to participate at ‘Menopause and the Law’, a seminar held at the Old Bailey, London, which was convened by Sheriff Alderman Alastair King DL. The discussion considered what potential effects perimenopause and menopause might have upon women and how the legal system may respond.
You can view these stories and more news of how we have kept the menopause discussion on the agenda at medicalprime.co.uk/events
Summer has also brought some fantastic news for our team. Earlier this year, as many of you will know, we welcomed Dr. Ashlesha (Ash) Dhairyawan to the team and I am delighted to congratulate Dr. Ash on being officially certified as a Menopause Specialist by the British Menopause Society (BMS). Dr. Ash is seen in the picture below with David Stringer-Lamarre, our Strategy Director.

We also made it on the cover of Imperial College London ‘D/srupt’, the magazine for innovators and entrepreneurs. If you are attending the clinic, you’ll find a copy on the table or you can read the inside articles on pages 17 & 21 here: D/srupt Issue 5

As we continue the Perimenopause and Menopause conversation, what is most valuable is the inspiration from you, our patients. Some of you have recorded your menopause journey for others to read in our Patient’s Stories page. If you would like to write about your own experience, please do get in touch; our in-house Editor will take most of the writing off your hands.
We hope you all continue to enjoy the summer and we thank you for your patience over these last few months following the disruption to your prescriptions due to the HRT shortages. I am pleased to let you know that some of the unavailable medications are now back in circulation.
With our best wishes,
Dr Theodora Kalentzi